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June 27, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes June 27, 2013  7:30pm  Leverett, MA

Meeting called to order at  6:03 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Ned Utzig
John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Dag Olsen

The Princeton BBC met with Leverett MA BBC to discuss the current status of Leverett’s current project status and to get updates on any potential issues that may be relevant to Princeton’s broadband project.

  • Discussion on ISP selection.  Leverett is not concentrating on ISP selection until the network is built, has not had any significant negotiations with ISP vendors.
  • Leverett recommended Princeton investigate alternate feeds from the backbone other than MBI.  For redundancy and for providing through-connectivity if we decide to do it.
  • Discussion on Leverett’s bid status and installer selection – Leverett has selected a winning bid in the second round of RFP’s.  Winning bid is approximately 30% less than engineering estimate.
  • Leverett mentioned that it would not be possible to provide a discounted service to residents if the discounted amount is below actual cost due to legal constraints for a MLP.  Can only provide at-cost service or a different service with reduced value.
  • Discussion of Leverett’s cost model for maintenance & depreciation.  They are estimating a monthly/user amount of $23 for depreciation and an additional $15/month for maintenance.  
  • Leverett investigated insurance for the network infrastructure, found it prohibitively expensive as we did.
  • Discussion of grant status – Leverett has not had any luck with current grant proposals.  
  • Upcoming Rural Broadband conference in Greenfield, MA on 7/12 we should consider attending.
Meeting adjourned 8:43 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig